Minggu, 25 April 2010
A Letter for you !!
Dear my beloved friends,
Anyway, we know that the clubs in our school haven't run well yet. However we have one interesting club, let us tell you about it.
We believe that you know how important technology is. We always use technology every time and every where. We have one club that learn about it, that is ICT club.
This club will run twice a week which is in monday and friday at 4 p.m after school hour. Pak Andri and Pak Arman are ready to teach.
In ICT club you'll learn how to make a new program, a new application, make a web, make an animation, internet, etc. So, for you who are facebook mania. You'll learn about that. I am sure you'll be very happy and enjoy being the part of the club, because you'll know how rich our technology and you'll not out of technology.
If you want to join this club, just come to IT Lab which is the kingdom of ICT club. We'll be waiting for you. Okay, I end this now. See you.
Fina and probo
Sabtu, 24 April 2010
Recycle for School
Now, I would like to feel you about our activities to help student in the school.I want to ask you,how do you feel if you see the student who doesn't any books?
AS we know, that the student is the next generation of us. To create a good generation, we have to help that generation, is not it?
I think you have known our project...
Actually, we want to share our skill to some students to produce something. The idea is about recycling the book cover to become curtains. And it can be sold. It means, we create something from nothing. But we will buy the paints and plastics for them. And for the book cover, we can get from our friends.
By selling the curtains, the students can get money to buy their stuffs. The money that will be raised from selling curtain is arround Rp.500.000. They can use it, to buy pen, books and other stuff to support their study process.
Daniel Okto and Yuniar Fatriyana
Sabtu, 10 April 2010
Having a Healthy Lifestyle
Nowadays, some of teenagers have problems with their health caused by stress that the feeling we have when we react to other thongs in life. Stress can caused by broken hearts, overweight, healthy skin problem, etc.
How can i lose stress??? That's one of common questions teen asks.
Teen... I have some tips for your stress. Be realistic, guys. Do not try to be perfect, be your self. Get a good night sleep, watch what you are thinking and try to solve a little problem first, then the bigger one.
Stress can influence your health. For example, when you have stress because of overweight or broken heart. Sometimes, your sensitivity or mood will control yourself. It makes you lazy to do something including your eating habit.
Come on... Your body needs certain nutrient to feel well each day. The most important meal is breakfast but probably it's the most difficult for many teenagers.
Do you know Protein? it's a primary component of our muscles, hair, nails, internal organ and skin. Skin problem will go away from your body. Carbohydrates... main source of energy and play an important role for our nervous system, right. So lets consume vegetables and others. And fats as energy reserves such as vitamin A,D,E,and K through your body and fatty tissue.
So, lose your stress, enjoy your life and don't forget to control your health.
The Freedom Writer... Made by Probo
This movie was very great. In this movie,
From the movie, students can learn how to respect each other, do not differentiate other people and students know how to interact to each other. Teachers can learn from
Students and teachers should watch this movie because it is about them and it gives advantages for students and teachers.
Jumat, 09 April 2010
On 30th March until 1st of April was the memorable moment for us as the Students of SMAN Sampoerna Academy. Because at that time we had a camp in Agrowisata, Indralaya to sharpen the leaders in us. In the fist day, We built tent for us to stay. This was the first time for us to experience that building. We had a nice ice breaking at the very first time we came and continued with so many activities. Moreover, the last day was the most memorable day for us, because we had a scavenger hunt which made us realize our mistakes and making us better. Unfortunately it was only 3 days. We really miss camp. SHARPEN THE LEADERS IN US!!!!!